Work From Home Pet Awards + Our own Photo Series of Working from Home Pets

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Hi everyone,

First of all, we’d like to post a new entry in our Working from Home Series

This weeks entry comes from Rachelle and shows Giselle Minou who got a little tired of the family mask construction project which was underway, which Giselle Minou found less than exciting, so she took a little snooze.

Please do continue to send us your awesome photos of how your pets continue to help you with your daily life while the lockdowns continue.

Secondly, as part of this weeks call out for how your cats are helping you work from home we would also like to draw special attention to the Work From Home Pet Awards by Mayhew:

Does your four-legged friend have what it takes to be our Furry Employee of The Month?

Now is your chance to put your pet to the test or name and shame the ones who always leave their lunch area in a mess, all in support of Mayhew! We’ve launched the Work From Home Pet Awards to recognise our four-legged colleagues that are lending a helpful paw during our time at home. Submit the best picture of your pet for the right to brag that you have the Most Disruptive Dog, Clingiest Feline Co-worker or that your working from home companion really is Furry Employee of The Month.


You can enter your dog or cat into any of the following categories. Our panel of expert judges will pick a shortlist of five dogs or cats for each category. These will then go through to a special public vote on social media! The winner of each category will battle it out at the end of the week to be crowned Mayhew’s Furry Employee of the Month.

For Cats

Clingiest Feline Co-worker: Does your cat like to lie on your keyboard when you’re trying to email your team?
Most Socially Distant Cat: Tucked in corners, staring at you from the tops of cupboards with those stay away eyes.
Top Boss: It may not be an official title but they sure act like it.

For Dogs

Messiest Workmate: The ones who choose to spend their time tearing up paper rather than filing.
Most Disruptive Dog: Wet noses popping up in Skype calls, climbing onto laps when you are in the middle of something and giving you those puppy dog eyes.
Asleep on the Job: It’s a dogs life! Pooches worn out after a hard day at the office, passed out in the most inconvenient places or tucked up while you work on the sofa.

The Final

Furry Employee of The Month: The top cats and dogs from each category that are always there to lend a helping paw while you are working from home!

How does it work?

Voting will take place over three days commencing Monday 27 April across Mayhew’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Two categories will be available to vote for on each day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The entry with the most votes from each category will be declared the winner. For the morning categories, this will be determined at 1pm and for the afternoon categories, this will be determined at 5pm. There will then be a final heat on Friday 1 May where all of the category winners will be put to a vote for Furry Employee of the Month – one dog and one cat!

Each lucky winner will receive…

  • A virtual rosette and certificate
  • Their pet’s image hosted on the Mayhew website
  • The winners of Furry Employee of The Month will be featured in the Summer issue of Mayhew’s Tails magazine.

The Rules

  • Human entrants must be 13 years or older
  • Your submission must be of an animal you own or have permission to enter in the competition
  • Mayhew reserves the right to disqualify any image we believe to be submitted without permission
  • Submissions for each category will be voted on my a panel of Mayhew expert judges with their top five selected entries going to public vote.

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