Stray Kitten Comes Running from Bushes and So Happy to Find Help


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A little stray kitten came running to a young woman, meowing loudly for help.

bush kitten, calico kitten, shoulder kitten


Cassie from California was cleaning stalls at the horse stables when she heard a noise that sounded like an animal. “I thought it was a bird at first but noticed the horse at the end, staring into the bushes,” Cassie told Love Meow.

“As I got closer, I realized it was tiny meows. She was screaming her little heart out.”

When Cassie called out to the kitten, immediately a tiny calico emerged from a bush and ran right out to her. As soon as Cassie scooped her up, the kitty started waving those little paws. She then crawled up to her neck and nuzzled away as if she was looking for milk.

“I took her over to my tack room and as I was trying to fill up a bowl, she just started heavily drinking from the water that was falling on the ground from the hose,” Cassie added.

stray kitten, bushes, calico


The kitten was parched and starving, so Cassie put the hose near her and let her drink to her little heart’s content. She grabbed a can of wet food from her car, that was for her own cats, and whipped up a quick meal for the hungry little kitten.

“She munched it down so fast. She was skinny and covered in fleas,” Cassie shared with Love Meow. “I got done with my chores and headed home with her.”

The calico was given a much-needed bath to remove the pesky fleas. After the long ordeal, she was exhausted and slept soundly through the night in the comfort of a warm bed. “I think she knew she was finally safe, and could rest peacefully.”

calico kitten, bath


The next morning, Cassie woke up to a happy, perky kitten, who was running around and trying to play. “She was brave, fearless and wandering around tapping all my other pets.”

Within two days, the kitten found her sass and cattitude again and didn’t hesitate to show it to the bigger animals in the house. Despite being the smallest, she acted like the boss.

Watch the kitten’s rescue journey in this video:

Kitten journey to forever home

Over the next several days, the kitten gained an incredible appetite and never wasted a morsel of food. She grew very attached to her human mom and would cuddle up to her neck, purring up a storm.

“She is completely healthy now, and is thriving. She loves to play and wrestle with my other cats, even though she is still so tiny,” Cassie told Love Meow.

calico kitten, cute kitten


“I have no idea how she ended up in that bush. I went back for three days to make sure the mom or any other kittens weren’t around, and never found anymore,” Cassie said.

“She got very lucky that day, and I was definitely in the right place, at the right time.”

calico kitten, cute kitten


The little former stray has blossomed into an affectionate shoulder kitty. She has gained weight and a ton of energy. Her personality is shining through.

She is still very clingy to her human mom and follows her everywhere around the house.

calico kitten, shoulder kitten, cuddles


The kitten gets along beautifully with all the cats and dogs in the house. She adores her big family to bits.

“She is safe and happy and will have the very best life. I’ve named her Charm, as in Lucky Charm,” Cassie told Love Meow.

calico kitten, dog, friends


Share this story with your friends. Credit: Cassie on Instagram

Related story: Stray Kitten with Rare Condition is So Happy to Find Perfect Home

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